

Created by Oddity Press

A fantasy adventure tabletop RPG, inspired by D&D 5e classes and monsters, but built with modern, narrative rules that strive for fluid gameplay, creative freedom, and a cinematic feel. **Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date. Your payment information is required to complete your survey.
We will keep you updated through Campaign Updates for when shipping fees will be applied to your pre-order. Thank you for your patience and understanding!**

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Grimwild v0.6 released, on DTRPG
4 months ago – Wed, Oct 02, 2024 at 10:21:25 AM

Hey everyone!

First, I am very sorry for pushing off the update this long. We've been working incredibly hard to get the core of the game's rules and character options settled and I'm very happy to say that Grimwild v0.6 is in a near-final state, rules-wise.

Download It on DTRPG Here

All 12 character classes (now referred to as paths) are available, each with a core talent and 7 other talents to choose from. It's a monumental amount of mix and matching that you can do to create some really awesome combos.

One thing, the current character sheet is just a single blank one. I will release an updated set of sheets with all the paths and their talents on them very soon (I want to catch a round of small changes first).  There's also a Google Sheet I made for v0.5 and will be updating it very soon (I'll post here, of course).

In case you didn't know, our Discord also has a bot called Mox for rolling Moxie style dice rolls!  Cyboogie on the Discord made it and it's been incredibly cool to use.

Otherwise, we're very much on track to hit our release and production goals. Nothing to worry about, besides my ridiculous procrastinating on releasing an update.

As for changes from the DTRPG-released v0.3 to v0.6, they are incredibly numerous. I'm going to skip any changelog as it wouldn't even be helpful. You need to read this version fresh and set this as the new baseline moving forward, as the core won't be changing.

I'd love to hear feedback, in the comments here on backerkit or on our Discord. The community there has been quite active and growing, which has been wonderful. And there's people regularly playing now, and many waiting for this v0.6 release, so it's a great time to jump in and get involved!

Anyway, I'm going to keep this one relatively short. There's not a ton of news outside of that.  Sorry again about the radio silence. That update consumed me, but things will be far more incremental moving forward and easier to talk about in smaller bursts.

- Max

That's a wrap! Notes on what's to come.
7 months ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 10:32:14 AM

Hey everyone, thanks a ton for the trust you're putting in us with this project. We're thrilled to be able to get to do this and to have you all along for the ride!

Pledge manager: Once everyone's pledges are processed, I'll have the pledge manager set up for anyone that wants to grab any more add-ons. Late backing will be available then as well. I'll post an update when that happens.

Updates: I don't want to be bombarding you guys with update e-mails, but don't want to leave you uninformed. My current plan is to post major iterations to the Quickstart up on here and any news that comes in. For example, when we move from v0.3 to v0.4, I'll make a post.  But v0.4.1 to v0.4.2, I won't. If you want those smaller updates to the Quickstart, please subscribe to us on DTRPG.  The bigger updates will be things like releasing new classes.  If there's been silence for a month, I'll hop on and give an "All's Well" update with less interesting stuff but just to make sure you know we're still working away. Feel free to ping me at any time here on the Backerkit, at my e-mail ([email protected]), or on Discord (@jdmwell) if you want an update on what's going on or have any questions.

I'll also make a point to have a discussion update as we near the final version to get a very full round of feedback from everyone. Please keep that in mind as you read, learn about, and play the game, as I'd like to hear as many opinions as possible!

Discord/Communication: I also wanted to mention that I do discuss the game a lot on Discord. We've had some great discussions tossing around thoughts and ideas, and gathering feedback.  I know that some don't use Discord or already have enough servers. I don't want anyone to feel left out!  I'm more than happy to discuss the game here on Backerkit in the comments as well, so if you have feedback or questions, please post them up and I will definitely answer!  I apologize about the Discord-focus and if it seems like I'm ever accidentally leaving the backers that aren't there out of the loop, please call me out on it

Shipping: As was said within the campaign, shipping will be charged just before the books are shipped out, after they have been printed. We have everything lined up for that and are working with reputable companies, so it should be smooth. For anyone wondering, the fulfillment center is shipping from the United States and there are (very rough) shipping estimates in the FAQ.

Timeline: This is on the campaign page, but we are still following this timeline: 

For digital rewards, you should be receiving them in November 2024.  For physical rewards, they should arrive in March 2025. These are estimates. Take a look below to see our current timeline.

The timeline towards completion and delivery of rewards looks like this:
  • Q3 2024: Updates to the preview document sent out to get testing and feedback on the entire game before heading to print.
  • Q4 2024: Full game PDF of Grimwild, Nevermore, and Gaelenvale finalized and sent to backers. Print order placed.
  • Q1 2025: Printer ships books and fulfillment begins
  • Q1 - Q2 2025: Game arrives at your house.

I'm going to be frank here, the above are very conservative estimates and assume that something will delay the project somewhere. I would rather underpromise and overdeliver here.  We've been quoted a 30-45 day turn around time on printing, so I really believe we'll be making it well within that above timetable. I feel like that "March 2025" date is more the date if something goes wrong and kills a month or two out of our schedule.

Playtests: Games have been getting organized on our Discord and we've had people running playtests in-person, and even solo. All of the feedback has been wonderful and everyone seems to be enjoying the game, which is great! If you're interested in getting involved, I highly encourage you to. If you want help getting a group going, reach out to me and I'll help corral players or a GM, or set one up myself!    
Looking for an Actual Play crew: This is a bit of a longshot, but is there anyone who regularly does Actual Plays that would be interested in doing a few-shot (3 sessions, maybe) of Grimwild?  It doesn't have to be immediate, but at some point I'd like to be able to point people towards a quite well done Actual Play to show them as a tutorial. I get asked this a lot, but I've never set up anything like this myself, nor do I have a regular group that wants to be recorded and put online. It's just not our thing, really.  You don't have to be a popular show or anything, but it'd be nice having a group with quality cams/mics and can make a good quality video.  Anyway, if you're interested or know anyone, please reach out!

Digital Tools: It was mentioned before, but progress is being made on a Foundry module and Google Sheets versions of the character sheets will be up soon.

A community member (Cyboogie) also posted up some really cool web apps they whipped up showing some of the game's crucibles and probabilities for rolls.  Check them out!

If anyone else is interested in getting involved in development, please get in touch! There's lots of neat things that could be done, so if you're looking for a project or want to help provide support for your favorite VTT, give a shout.


Oh yeah, I also wanted to return a favor. Jex making the FitD game Bump in the Dark posted up a link to Grimwild (and is backing the game!) in one of their Backerkit updates. That campaign just ended and had they let me know sooner, I woulda been able to point people over there during the campaign, but as luck has it, late backing is now open!  Seriously, it's a really cool game that's getting a revised version (so you know it's well-tested), a Forged in the Dark game of modern monster hunting and found family. I freaking love the town map in the game. It just feels like the perfect semi-isolated American almost-a-city.

Okay, that's it for now. Thanks a ton! We're happy to be working with you all on this!

- Max, Per, and Luke.

Final 24 hours, huge Quickstart Update (v0.3.1) + Changelog, new art!
7 months ago – Wed, Jul 10, 2024 at 04:26:00 AM

Hey adventurers!

Thank you all so much for the support this month. Having so many people talking about the game, getting our Discord community off the ground and full of activity, and playtest reports rolling in has been incredibly motivating. I can't tell you all how much I appreciate that!

Below, you'll find discussion about the Final 24 Hours, the Quickstart Update, New Layout pics, the very long Changelog, and then a backer-only new art pic that just rolled in at the bottom..


We're entering the final 24 hours. Maybe it's a good time to get out there and tell a friend. Sending them the quickstart link is an easy way to get someone to check out the game!  If you know someone that likes Dungeon World but wants a more modernized take, or someone tired of D&D/Pathfinder mechanics slog, maybe they'd enjoy taking a look. Blades in the Dark fans wanting a fantasy alternative are also pretty keen, I'd imagine.


The Quickstart has been updated to v0.3.1 and includes a massive layout update, many rules and terminology changes, and . These are all detailed in the changelog down below. Some changes look big, but under the hood not much is changing. It's mostly terminology, organization, and reorganizing some jobs of the rules into other places.

After the clarity update, I wanted to work towards a finalized layout and have also been taking in the great deal of feedback I've received. It's been very helpful in polishing the ruleset and I set to work to create a massive, near-final version of the ruleset before the campaign ends.  The core will not change much at all moving forward. Planned changes revolve around how the Ancestry system works, as well as releasing classes to be playtested and tinkered with as we move along.  Feedback here on Backerkit, via e-mail ([email protected]), or on Discord are very much appreciated.

LAYOUT CHANGES (these are also on the campaign page now)

Changelog v0.2.2 -> v0.3.1

This is quite long, but I wanted to include it here anyway!  This last month has been really motivating for me and I've taken that energy to toss it right back into improving the game.  This is also available as a TXT included with the download.

Grimwild Changelog

v0.2.2->0.3.1  (v0.3 was released, then this v0.3.1 quickly released to fix some layout errors and spelling mistakes).

This update saw substantial changes to the layout, some of which are still in flux. Forgive any irregularities.  This also represents a change from my original ultra-concise rules presentation to a more robust one, with multiple examples. I've expanded more on many elements that weren't clicking with readers even after the clarity update. We're now approaching the final form the rules will take.

I've appreciated the month of discussion and comments very much!  People have been dropping me e-mails and there's been loads of discussion on Discord. It's all been very helpful.

  • Added a new gameplay intro page (pg. 7) that better describes what the game is about.
  • Described d66 tables and crucibles in detail (pg. 8)
  • Better detailed stats and how specialized tasks function. (pg. 11)
  • Updated the character sheet with new character traits that you choose on character creation, and the front/back sheet with the new adventuring party options. (pg. 13 for an example).  Also expanded the section for additional wises.
  • Removed narrative elements from spark. Instead now it adds +1d and activates certain abilities. Adding details, previously called bits (now without a specific name), is done by spending "story". You gain 3 story per session, marked on your sheet.
  • Introduced an inventory system, marking boxes to indicate equipment carried. You can also spend "pack" to add small items you have on the fly. (character sheet)
  • Spark had been doing too much and I wanted to refocus it, and move some of its utility options into story and pack. This has landed nicely in playtesting and made explaining the concepts clearer in the rules.
  • Renamed and refocused "Creative Freedom" to "Cinematic Gameplay", organizing the narrative gameplay elements of the rules prior to the mechanical dice-related one. (pg. 14)
  • Detailed story usage and wises more clearly. (pg. 16 and 17)
  • Added character traits, prompts on the sheet to indicate personality and ambitions that you character does and doesn't have. This replaces the adventuring party motivations, which have been simplified into choosing a party type and previous adventures. (pg. 18 and character sheet)
  • Bonds completely removed. They are mostly replaced with the character traits, drives, tangles, and quarreling forming natural bonds that don't need specific detailing.
  • Quarreling mechanics revised. You no longer roll bond. Instead, you build a pool:  1d, +1d for a relevant trait, +1d for a relevant drive. You're better at fighting for the things you care about.
  • Abilities: You now gain your core ability and select one additional ability at the beginning of the game.
  • XP & Advancement revised.  Multi-class abilities now cost the same 10 XP as class abilities. There is a prompt to explain how you picked up those out-of-class skills.  Core abilities remain at 20 XP.
  • Wise gains: For every 15 XP earned, you gain a free wise.
  • At character creation, you gain 1 XP for detailing your drives and giving a flashback pursuing 1.  This means you will receive your core+1 ability at character creation, then third ability after the 3rd session. You'll get a 3rd wise after the 5th session.  This ramps up early progression to realize character concepts more quickly.
  • Clarity added to how to build the basic dice pool, including a new flow chart. (pg. 20)
  • Thorns explanations expanded to give more clarity on how the GM adds them and how they interact with dice pools (pg. 21)
  • Defense rolls moved to its own page and better explained in detail, especially what happens on a messy. (pg. 23)
  • Montage rolls changed.  Now, you roll 3d on any montage. If it's a group montage, all participating roll 2d. Thorns can be added to these rolls by the GM. (pg. 24)
  • Helping has been changed. You no longer roll bonds or spend spark. You can now help at any time it makes sense. You roll 1d and share the risk and narration. (pg. 24)
  • Diminishing pools are now well explained over a two-page spread, detailing 5 different types of pools: timer pools, danger pools, task pools, resource pools, and potency pools. These show the different ways pools can be flexibly applied. Clarity that criticals on pools only counting if they're potency pools was also added. (pg. 26)
  • Damage restructured into a concept called Escalating Damage, from Marks to Wounded/Vex to Dropped. Nothing has changed, but this adds clarity. The layout is substantially different for both this and vex, on the next page (pg. 28-29)
  • Clarity was added to conditions and how the GM uses them as a catch-all outside the basic damage types, and also on when to allow them to be recovered from. (pg. 30)
  • Magic has been much more clearly explained. Nothing has changed, but there is a great deal of added clarity. (pg. 32-34)
  • Touchstones as a broad concept were removed along with Bits, instead now only serving as touchstones for setting the limitations of magic. (pg. 33)
  • Fronts renamed to Faction pools and you assign goals to them. Campaign timers are also rolled along with fronts, representing other movements in the fiction at the campaign-level. Fronts ended up being confusing terminology when 95% of them were factions. (pg. 40)
  • The GM Crucible had layout problems in v0.3. These are fixed in v0.3.1. (pg. 41)
  • A new rule added to melee weapons. Heavy weapons now always reduce a pool by 1, then roll the pool. They cost 2 inventory slots instead of a normal weapon's 1.  This is a temporary rule as I hone in on mechanical rulings involving weapons, but is a good starting point for my thoughts on them. (pg. 45)
  • Roleplaying with Moxie section has been trimmed slightly to focus it better. (pg. 48 & 49)
  • The adventuring party creation process is much simpler now.  You choose the style of party (e.g. Heroes and Rebels, NOT Believers) and then the results of your last adventure. You then make characters and fill in character traits to create a cohesive group, but with some friction between their personalities and motivations.
  • You take your core ability + one more ability at character creation.
  • You get 1 XP for establishing a character drive in character creation, then pursuing it in a brief flashback. This lets you advance to your third ability after the 3rd session, establishing character concepts more quickly.  Advice for slower campaigns will be in the last chapter of the book. (pg. 52)
  • The cleric ability Guidance was changed from spending spark to usable Twice per session. (pg. 54)
  • The cleric ability Iron Will now ignores any mark once per session, not just mental marks. This ability is in flux as I compare it to other class abilities.
  • The rogue ability Lurking Presence has had references to bits removed instead just presenting three choices. It's easier to use now. (pg. 58)
  • The wizard ability Familiar now allows you to respawn the Familiar after a proper rest, instead of after downtime. (pg. 60)
  • A few repeated or confusing terms in the Wizard spell crucible (rot, wood, wine) were changed. (pg. 61)
  • Chapter art for each of the other 4 chapters in the game is now included in the quickstart. This also gives a better sense of the structure of the final book.

That seems quite extensive, I know. And it's not small, but the vast majority of these are reframing of mechanics as new terms or reorganizing them. Feedback has been very helpful in letting me know what terms haven't landed well and what concepts don't make immediate sense. Having so many new eyes on the project and hearing opinions has been invaluable.  I've had to kill a few darlings along the way design-wise, but I'm very happy with where the game (and the new community!) is at right now.

Thanks everyone. This'll be my last post, I think, during the campaign.  See you all after it wraps up and we settle in to the normal schedule as we move towards printing!

- Max

Last week! More art, more dice, more cards! Stretch goals!
7 months ago – Thu, Jul 04, 2024 at 04:12:17 PM

Hey everyone,

You might have noticed this campaign didn't have any listed stretch goals. I'm not a big fan of putting exact totals on everything or deciding beforehand what's needed. Instead, I've always felt it's better to look at the number of backers, think on what feels needed, and adjust according to the support we're getting and discussions we're having with backers.

So that said, here are three changes I'm making to increase the value of backing, a little bit for each tier:
  • More art: There will be 6 more art pieces commissioned for Grimwild.  I got Per to turn his attention back to Grimwild's art and expand upon it, filling it out with some fun pieces we both wanted to see.  Two of these are already included in this update - check them down below!  
  • More dice: The set of 6d6 and 3d8 will be increased to 8d6 and 4d8. There are some edge cases where you'll end up rolling all of those at once and I wanted to make sure it was possible all in one go - but the more dice also makes it easier to share them around the table.  So 3 more added per set!
  • More cards: I set the exploration deck to 20 cards but as it turns out, I want to expand it up to 60. As I've developed its concepts, I felt it was a little bit jam-packed into the previous 40 card limit so giving it some space to breathe and add some more options was an easy choice.   Speaking of which, if you order the physical deck, you will get the PDF with it (it's not listed on the reward tier till now) - and you can also pick up only the digital PDF as an add-on if you want.

We're entering the last week and things have been going quite well! If funding keeps up, I'll be looking for more ways to add in value.

As always, feel free to join us on our Discord!  Playtests have been getting started and going well, which is super exciting.

And here's two of the new art pieces Per came up with!  One is open for all to check out and one is listed as backer-only content. The especially cool one, obviously. :)  

Grimwild Quickstart- Clarity Update released!
7 months ago – Sat, Jun 22, 2024 at 12:38:37 PM

Hey adventurers!

I'll keep this one pretty short. Grimwild Quickstart v0.2 just went up on DTRPG. Download it and make sure to grab the new sheets, too! (check the filenames)

I just put in a ton of work this week revamping the layout with a focus on clarity, examples of play, and being user-friendly.  I also implemented a lot of feedback from the campaign, system tweaks, terminology changes.  After this version, I'll be keeping a regular changelog, but the switch in layout brought with it so many changes that I'd like to start fresh with this version.  Please give it another read!

I'm very happy with the end result and hope you all like the change.  It is very much playable now, and a small adventure and some monsters will be coming next week to make that even easier.

This copy hasn't been properly proofread, so if you notice typos or anything weird, please do let me know.

We also have Foundry VTT sheets in the works!  Foundry dev asacolips, who made the Dungeon World and 13th Age sheets, has decided to develop a Grimwild sheet for Foundry and we couldn't be happier. We have a channel up on the Oddity Discord if you're interested in monitoring that or participating in development.

You can download it from Drivethrurpg.

Here are some examples!

Anyway, go download it!